User agreement

This User Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement") is an official offer of the Contractor to conclude with any individual, hereinafter referred to as the "User", a Contract for the provision of paid services on the terms defined in the text of the Agreement. Acceptance (acceptance)this Agreement is carried out by placing an order by the User in the service. If the User places an order in the service, he accepts and agrees to the terms and conditions of the Agreement.

Acceptance (acceptance)The Agreement means familiarization and full, unconditional and unconditional consent of the User with the terms and requirements defined in the Agreement. From the moment of acceptance (acceptance) Agreements The contract for the provision of information services between the Contractor and the User is recognized as concluded and agreed between them, and its terms are subject to mandatory execution by the Parties.

1. Terms and definitions used in the Agreement

1.1. Service - a website owned by the Contractor located at

1.2. The Contractor is a service represented by the site owner.

1.3. The content of the site is recognized as all objects posted on the site, including design elements, text, graphics, illustrations, videos, scripts, programs, music, sounds and other objects and their collections. The Site owner is the owner of the exclusive rights to use the site, including all the content of the site.

1.4. User – an individual who independently uses (has used) the functions and services provided by the service

1.5. Profile / account (Profile) — the User's personal page on the site, accessible only to him.

1.6. Account information — a unique User name (login) and password to log in to the site, specified by the User when registering on the site.

1.7. Order – the User's request to perform the functions of the service defined in the text of this Agreement.

1.8. Site Services are sections of the site that allow satisfying the User's need for certain information by filling out a registration form and confirming this by clicking the "Send", "Subscribe", "Order" buttons, etc.

1.9. A payment aggregator is a service that collects all online funds received to the Contractor's account and then transfers them to the accounts of the customer company

2. Subject of the agreement

2.1. The Contractor provides the User with services to provide access to the services of the site, while the mandatory condition for the provision of services by the Contractor in accordance with this Agreement is acceptance, compliance by the User and application to the relations of the Parties of the requirements and provisions defined by this Agreement.

2.2. The User accepts this agreement, acting freely, of his own free will and in his own interest, as well as confirming his legal capacity. The User gives his consent to the Service to process his personal data.

2.3. The Contractor reserves the right to change the terms of this Agreement and all its integral parts without the consent of the User with the notification of the latter by posting on the Website a new version of the Agreement or any of its integral parts that have undergone changes. Taking into account that the newsletter may be recognized by the Parties as spam, the User undertakes to get acquainted with the content of the Agreement posted on the Website at least once a month in order to get acquainted with its changes in a timely manner. The new version of the Agreement and/or any of its integral parts comes into force from the moment of publication on the Website, unless another date for the entry into force of the changes is determined by the Contractor when they are published. The current version of the Agreement and all its annexes is always publicly available on the Website at:

3. Rights and obligations of the Contractor

The Contractor undertakes:

3.1 Not to disclose the User's Account Information to third parties.

3.2 Ensure round-the-clock availability of the site, except for the time of preventive maintenance. The contractor has the right to:

1. If the User violates the terms of the Agreement, send the User a warning containing a list of violations. If the User does not eliminate the violation within one day from the date of notification to him or repeatedly violates the specified conditions or other conditions, the Contractor has the right to unilaterally withdraw from the Agreement, block User access to the User Profile and cancel the User Profile.

2. Dispose of statistical information related to the functioning of the Site, as well as User information to ensure targeted display of advertising information to various audiences of Site Users.

3. Send the User information about the development of the Site and its services by sending letters to the User's contact email; conducting surveys on the quality of the Site, providing and requesting other information, as well as advertising their own activities and services.

4. Provide any question with an answer in the form of an online consultant (the maximum waiting time for a response by the client is 24 hours).

3.3 If the User refuses messages, add him to the individual list and reduce the number of messages set by the Contractor himself (no more than 3 per day).

3.4 To process personal data in accordance with the provisions of Article 12 of Federal Law No. 152-FZ of 27.07.2006 "On Personal Data".

3.5 Provide the full number of declared viewers according to the Tariff (the maximum values of the discrepancy can reach up to 10% in losses; if the value is higher, the Performer is obliged to correct the problem or reimburse the time spent).
3.6 Provide the full duration of the Tariff (all tariffs are located at the link - ). After activating the Tariff, the time counter will turn on and end in the allotted time, regardless of the use of the Tariff.

4. Rights and obligations of the User

The User undertakes to:

4.1 Fully familiarize yourself with the terms of this Agreement before registering on the website or placing an order.
4.1.1 When registering a User or placing an order, he automatically signs the agreement. If you do not agree with the agreement, refer to clause 4.11 or 4.13 of the Agreement

4.2 Comply with all the terms of this Agreement.

4.3 Not to transfer information about other Users obtained through the site to third parties.

4.4 Not to transfer your Account Information to third parties.

4.5 Not to use the software and not to perform actions aimed at disrupting the normal functioning of the site and its services or Users' personal pages, neither to download, store, publish, distribute or provide access or otherwise use viruses, Trojans and other malicious programs; not to use without the special permission of the Site Owner automated scripts (programs) to collect information on the site and/or interact with the site and its services.

4.6 Not to attempt to gain access to the login and password of another User, including, but not limited to, cheating, hacking other Users' Profiles, etc.

The user is prohibited from:

4.7 To carry out illegal collection and processing of personal data of other Users.

4.8 To access any services in any other way except through the interface provided by the Site Owner, except in cases where such actions were expressly authorized by the User in accordance with a separate agreement with the Site Owner.

4.9 Post any information that, in the opinion of the Site Owner, is undesirable, infringes on the interests of Users or for other reasons is undesirable for posting on the site.

4.10 Insult the Service or the Contractor, conduct a dialogue in a rude tone in the Support of the Service or by any specified Contacts.

4.10.1 The Contractor has the right to block the user on the site or in any service where the dialog was performed.

4.11 Attempt to harm the service and all its services in any way. The Service calls the damage status independently, before looking at and calculating the damage caused.

The user has the right to:

4.12 Get access to the site around the clock, except for the time of preventive maintenance.

4.13 Contact the support service to block your Profile.

4.14 At any time, change the URL link to any other channel, even if it is not its property.

4.15 The User agrees that by accessing the site and using its content, he/she:

4.15.1 Expresses its unconditional agreement with all the terms of this Agreement and undertakes to comply with them or stop using the site.

4.15.2 In order to implement this Agreement, Users give the Site Owner permission to use, store, process, and distribute personal data in the manner and to the extent necessary to fulfill the terms of this Agreement. The user agrees to the transfer of personal and other data to third parties, including for the purposes of their processing, to ensure the functioning of the site, the implementation of partner and other programs, provided that the transferred data is provided with a regime similar to the regime existing on the site, including, including, but not limited to the transfer of personal data to persons, those who have concluded contracts with them, as well as third parties in the following cases, when such transfer is necessary for the User to use a certain service or to fulfill a certain agreement or contract with the User.

4.15.3 The User accepts the fact that the number of viewers may decrease up to 10% inclusive; if the loss exceeds 10%, the Contractor undertakes to correct this problem or compensate it.

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